Friday, October 12, 2018

Chat bots!

              I was on MachineLearningForKids today, and I worked on a project called Chat bots.  (The worksheet had no space between the chat and the bot, but says I spell it wrong if I write it without a space.) The idea of the project was to have a sprite on Scratch that answered certain questions on a certain topic. My dad really wanted me to do this project, so I did.
The alligator was supposed to be a
branch, but it looked too much like a creature.
             The first thing I did on this project was create three bins. One of them was habits, one was appearance, and one was food. Since I was doing my project on griffins, I wrote questions about griffins into each bin, making sure they fit the category. Then I went to Learn and Test and hit the train button. 
             When my project was done training, I opened the project in Scratch and started working on the code and sprites. I made a griffin sprite, and a lot of backgrounds, with also a lot of code. Once I had finished that, I checked to see if the project worked. When it did, I showed it to my dad.
             My dad didn't like the project I made because it could only answer three types of questions, so I had to redo it with more answers and questions. For that I made another bin and called it "What." Then I added all the questions Dad had asked before, and added some more, so that if someone typed in something confusing the sprite would say, "What?!". I tested it again.
             This time, my project didn't work. It kept mixing up "Habits" and "What".  So I tried to see what the problem was. I couldn't find anything, so I retrained the project. Then it worked. 
             In the end, the project was really cool. When someone asked about a griffin's diet, I  made the griffins sprite explain the diet of a griffin, then I programmed it to appear to eat the screen. When the computer was asked a question  that was very weird, the griffin sprite would say, "What?!" I thought that was really awesome.

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